Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Glorious Mess Part II - Heart Stamps

 As I said in the original post, I had intended the soap bubble prints to be the foundation of Valentine's Day cards for family and friends.  While the finished product was nothing like the example that I found online, they were colorful and fun, and 100% Lucy-created.  So I decided to soldier on with the project.  This was phase two - decorating the bubble-painted cards with toilet paper roll, heart-shaped stamps.  This is a super-easy, fun project. 

One or two toilet paper rolls

-Smoosh the toilet paper roll into a heart shape and tape into place
-Squirt some (washable) paint onto a plate
-give your little artist the stamps and the paint and let creation ensue

Again, Lucy did her own thing.  She did a few stamps like this:

But most ended up fingerpainted with hand prints like this:

Happy Valentine's Day...from the toilet paper roll...

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