This particular morning, I HAD TO EAT. I mean, it was desperate. I am not sure why the morning had gone on so long without me stuffing my ever-gaping maw. So I went to the kitchen (up a half- flight of stairs and across the hall) to make some eggs. Just as the eggs hit the frying pan, I hear, "Mama! I had a accident!"
Me (nicest voice possible, even though my stomach lining is now eating itself): That's okay sweetie. It happens. Did you pee?
Lucy: No.
Double crap. I now I think I mean this literally.
Me: What happened? (Are these eggs cooking more slowly than usual...?)
I turn off the stove and go downstairs to assess the damage. Lucy has an entire TRIPLE ROLL OF TOILET PAPER, unrolled, in her hands.
Ah. THAT kind of accident.
Me: Lucy, put it down. I am going to finish my eggs then I'll come help you clean it up.
I eat my now-cold toast and weirdly cooked eggs and head downstairs.
Me: What happened, Lucy? I asked you to stop doing this.
Lucy: What happened?
Me: I don't know, I'm asking you. What happened?
Lucy: What did happen?
Me: (indicating the drifts of toilet paper) What can we do so this doesn't happen anymore?
Me: Do we need to have all the toilet paper torn into little sheets so when you wipe you don't have to unroll it all?
Lucy: I already wiped.
Me: I know. The next time you use the potty.
Lucy: I already used the potty.
Me: I know. I mean...never mind. Please don't do this anymore.
Lucy: What happened?
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