The creators of the group used to all work on Capitol Hill. For a while, all new members were required to do so, even if it was in a short-term volunteer capacity. Then the group got too big and the demand for our particular brand of comedy got too haigh and they began to hire ringers like me and my husband - just plain old actors.

Or ever.

Monster Mash was a song that featured Henry Paulson, George W. Bush, Nancy Pelosi and an announcer who was invariably play by the woman who wasn't playing Pelosi. I was listed as the announcer. I had learned the Pelosi part, but had never been called upon to sing it. I just assumed TS had done it a number of times, because it wasn't flagged as something we needed to rehearse before the show. From the backstage mic, I introduced Paulson - big laugh from the audience (he was dressed as Frankenstein); I introduced Bush (big laugh - dressed as Igor); I introduced Pelosi (dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein, wig and all). Nothing. Silence. I thought, "Huh, weird! They usually love her", but thought nothing more of it.
Still silence. The piano player is vamping. No one is singing onstage. Now it is weird.
I go backstage and see that TS (who is supposed to be onstage that very moment) is sitting backstage, not dressed in costume, chatting with the roadie. I quickly check the running order - I am not crazy, she IS supposed to be onstage.
Me: TS!!! You're PELOSI! They're waiting for you!!
TS: No I'm not.
Me: Uh, yes you are! Look at the running order. If I am the announcer, who do you suppose it left to play Pelosi??
TS: I've never done it.
Oops. Onstage, I hear my hubby Kevin (who is playing W that night) and MD singing the first verse and chorus and hoping TS will show up. The verse and chorus end - Pelosi is supposed to sing now. Kevin ad libs (he is really good at this). TS still doesn't show. The audience is...I'll be kind and say "perplexed". I shove the wig on her head, hand her the lyrics I have printed out and drag her backstage.
Me: Just read the lyrics! You don't even have to sing a tune!
TS sort of digs her heels in. I literally push her out onstage. She stands there.
Kevin: Finally! There's crazy little bitch!
Audience: (...)
MD: fhsdhfdsfjd fdjkdl jsfdk Monster Crash jkdsjfd. (He's not good at ad libbing...)
The rest of the song is a fits and starts. TS read the lyrics...badly...mispronouncing various words and stumbling over every line. Kevin is laughing the entire time. MD is trying his damnedest to regain his usual aplomb, to no avail. The song ends with:
Kevin: (to Audience) You're probably more confused than we are!
Audience: (Laughter - FINALLY).
I was backstage with the roadie weeping with laughter. I supposed I could have donned the wig and taken one for the team when I realized TS had no intention of going onstage.
But it was more fun to just stand backstage and laugh. These are the moments I live for.
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